I spent about 80% of yesterday working on my Contracts outline, and I finished only half of my goal. Being the anal retentive student I am, I would normally freak out in my quietly fuming way. But yesterday I re-connected with some friends gave me some peace of mind in my stressful little world.
One of the best feelings is when I talk to a friend after a long period of separation and it feels like time never passed. At dinner last night, I ran into my old doubles partner from high school. It's been over six years since I've talked to her, but she recognized me instantly. To be honest, there's no reason why she wouldn't, but you would think the brain would need some time to warm up to reach those tucked-away memories. We only talked for a few minutes, but the reunion was palpably exciting. I have friends with whom I've kept random contact since high school, but I haven't had an accidental encounter like this since my former crush delivered a pizza to my house four years ago.
And on a less dramatic though equally good note, I got calls from Sandra and Wayne yesterday after a few months of unintentional neglect.
Moments like this make me realize how quickly, rapidly, turbulently time flies, but they're also nice reminders of how people who've shared a part of your life can ground you along the way.
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