November 30, 2004

Okay, I lied. Here's another post.

I have a weird habit of buying clothing and shoes and not wearing them for a long time after the purchase. Buyer's remorse isn't really to blame. Rather, I think I just feel self-conscious when I wear something new, and I try to put off those feelings as long as possible.

Last spring, I bought a pair of scarlet Pumas in Belmont. Once I brought them home, I thought they were way too bright and clashed with all my sadly-grey clothing. So they stayed in the shoebox with the little preserver packet until yesterday.

I capitulated to SoCal winter nights, which are not conducive to flip-flops. And now everyone keeps telling me about how cool my shoes are. And then they all laugh at me when I tell them when I bought them. So now I feel marginally hip. Yay :)

Yes. Underneath this tough exterior is a little girl yearning for attention.

Another case in point: when I first went to office hours for my Contracts professor, I nervously introduced myself, and he gave me a funny look. "I'm not gonna remember your name," he scoffed. What a way to put a 1L at ease.

As I left his office hours today, he called after me and said, "Hey mct, is this yours?"
