For Lent, I gave up english breakfast tea lattes from the Coffee Bean. I convinced myself that I needed the concentrated tea, sweetened by wonderful vanilla powder, to give me that extra kick in the morning. Once the baristas at not one but two locations began to greet me by name, though, I realized I had a problem. I hope to kick the habit by the time Easter rolls around, though I think that addiction may just be replaced by another (Dove dark chocolate Easter eggs).
Speaking of self-indulgence, I thought I should try to blog regularly, at least for the remaining 37 days. My keeping-in-touch frequency is set at abysmal six-month intervals, a problem which law school only compounds. To ensure some regularity, I'm going to be less ambitious with the writing (and eat my oatmeal everyday). No great revelations or insights into mankind. But no mundane Seinfeld-ish quips either. Just my life. Should I veer toward either extremes, stop me. Whatever lands in the middle of these could turn out to be quite a bore, so consider yourself forewarned.
This semester has been a drag. I started off this year really enthusiastic about all the things I could do, but something happened between the first week of finals and the beginning of the second semester. Everything that really excited me just petered out. Take my law review note. My goal is to be published, but the earliest that will happen is next year. This is my fault. I got ambitious and picked a problem so difficult that when I complained to my faculty advisor, all he could say was "Well, that's why
I haven't done that problem yet." Okay, Mr. Smartie Pants. Of course, he follows up by telling me how much more rewarding it is to tackle a complex problem rather than writing a simpler piece, but those words don't help me when I'm sitting in front of my computer, wondering how I, a lowly second-year, am going to solve a problem that a renowned expert has not. I'm still plugging along, though, footnote by f'ing footnote, but as of right now, I'm pretty demoralized.
On a lighter and completely unrelated note, I would love to create an IMDB-like site that tracks Hollywood relationships rather than movies. I'm always trying to remember who went out with whom, and sometimes it's just too difficult. My technical expertise, however, goes no further than basic HTML, and I would probably burn out trying to keep up with George Clooney alone. But wouldn't it be awesome??? It would be my contribution to the world of snarky celebrity blogs. For now, I'll settle for
Defamer ,
Fametracker, and, my new favorite,